about-usSGRWA – Sunrise Greens Residents Welfare Association ::
SGRWA represents the residents of Sunrise Greens society as a collective body elected by its members. SGRWA currently is governed by its bylwas as per UP Apartment Act – 2010. The SGRWA Membership has thus so far increased to 1,050+ till 27th Nov, 2017. The first elected body was formed on 10th Nov, 2008 after a long drawn election process.


The very first elected Managing Commitee has successfully completed its 2 years of tenure and in that short span of time, they have accomplished many significant tasks for the welfare of the residents of Sunrise Greens.

On 30th Nov 2014, Election Commission of SGRWA conducted elections of SGRWA Board Members as per UP Apartment Act-2010 and Sunrise Greens Apartment Owners have democratically elected 9 Board Members and later the elected Board Members have finalised various Positions that can be seen on “SGRWA Board Members” page.


SGRWA is committed to take the society forward with a progressive attitude and by exploiting its resources to the best possible level. We request all its members to come forward to contribute in their own way to improve the lifestyle of our families and secure the environment for out children.


So far more than 962 Residents of Sunrise Greens have joined SGRWA. RWA membership has lot of benefits. Become a member today by visiting SRWA office at P block Ground Floor..
Download Membership Form Now DOWNLOAD SGRWA BYLAWS


We believe in keeping families together by providing our fellow residents and their families the support and encouragement that they need in order to achieve their personal goals and becoming active members in our community and in society as a large. Our friendly team @ SGRWA provide thier best support & services to our fellow neighbors and are dedicated to their care and well being without looking at the clock if it is telling it a day or a night.


President – SGRWA


We have taken that step And now we need your support to reach our common goal
Come & enjoy the journey with us…..


With Warm Regards,