Sunrise Greens Residents have decided to go with the spiritual way of starting their new year 2012 and have organized an Havan / Arya Yagya on 1st Jan 2012 at 11 AM at central lawn.
Hundreds of residents took part in the event and prayed for God Blessings to fulfill their hopes and desires for the coming year. After the Havan, there was a Group Lunch (Samuhik Vishal Bhandara) and everyone in the society including residents, guests, visitors, security, maintenance and housekeeping staff and other workers were all invited to have the delicious lunch together.
SGRWA had organised a grand celebration function on the 63rd Republic Day of INDIA. Sunrise greens residents celebrated the event starting with an excellent march past parade in which over 400 residents & junior residents (Children) took part. The attaraction was the march past by Security Guards with Band. Marching contingent reached the Main Entrance at 10:00 AM where SGRWA President unfurled the Flag. Security guards & residents sang national anthem and saluted the national flag with pride. After sweets distribution other events started and the function continued till 2:00 PM
Events Highlights:
– Sports Events Mainly Race by Children of 4-15 yrs.
– Cultral Programs by Sunrise Greens Children.
– Patriotic Poems, Debate & Dance Acts.
– Magics of Science demonstration to Kids.
– Tea, Sweets & Snacs Distribution.
– Prizes for Winners & Participants.
Once again the residents of Jaipuria Sunrise Greens showed their strength by becoming together & coming out from their houses to replace the Security & Housekeeping Agency F & S Enterprises. The need for having a better & more professional security agency arose year ago, this task took a time longer than expected because of the as usual negligent attitude of the builder towards the interest of residents of the society, firstly he was reluctant & adamant in issuing the termination letter to F & S. Subsequently after tremendous pressure from SGRWA when he has issued it, upon declaring the letter as a forged one by the agency, builder did nothing in the interest of the residents.
With tremendous pressure from SGRWA along with the help from the Federation of RWA Ghaziabad’s vice chairman Mr. Alok Kumar and lot many others we could build pressure on F&S to evacuate the premises.
The best part this time is that its Biparty agreement between SGRWA & Wilbrose India Ltd. Now, Lets extend our support to the agency who is to acclimatize with the situations & challanges of our society.
Special Thanks To Volunteers, Residents & Ladies:
Today, more than 350 residents gathered to take the handover from the current agency and to support the new agency to start their working. It was the resident’s roles which has ultimately converted the tough task into a simpler one. Subsequent to the evacuation by F & S for a time of approx 3 hours the residents volunteers have managed the various activities at gate like token distribution, maid movement, visitor movement etc of their own before finally handing it over to the new agency, Wilbrose India Ltd.
Today, 29th July 2012, SGRWA held its 4th Annual General Meeting at 10:30 AM. Large number of SGRWA members shown their presence and active participation in healthy discussions on various topics. Various Resolutions passed, Current Ex. Body has completed its tennure successfully and hence resolved, election commission is chosen by residents and a new election date declared as 26th Aug 2012.
We are thankful to Mr. Alok Kumar, Vice Chairman of Federation of RWA Ghaziabad to devote his precious time with us and to address the members and sharing his thoughts about the functioning & role of RWA, importance resident’s for the success of any RWA.